OpusTime Changelog
Our team of experts works tirelessly to improve the efficiency of our services. Here is the list of improvements, additions, and patches made since January 2018.
The note-taking feature in OpusTime is now visual: a new image editing function has been added. You can import an image, add handwritten notes or draw on the image itself and save the changes.
1. Add images to notes template.
You can add as many sections or questions as you want to a note template. This allows you to combine the drawing on image ability to the already existing form builder.

2. Draw on images in your file note.
The Copy previous button allows you to review past draw or hand written notes.

3. Clear the drawing and start over.
You can reset the drawing and start over by using the clear button.

You can document send notes and recommendations to patients as a pdf attachment. Click the email button in your previous notes list to email it in a single click.

A checkbox has been added in appointment type settings do deactivate appointment confirmation emails for each of your appointment types.

The state/province predefined for the clinic/business is added automatically to a new patient file when created from the appointment calendar.

We have improved the information shown in the information bubble when you hover over the appointment.

- The information bubble shows relevant information such as contact information, date of birth and reference number. it also clearly displays the last completed appointment and the next appointment.

2. A new note has also been added to the client file that will be displayed in the information bubble. Simply edit the patient details and add a note to have it displayed here for every appointment.

Online booking settings have a new checkbox to allow you to restrict access to your schedule too far into the future.

When a customer/patient booked appointments via the online booking engine, the appointment log was sometimes missing from the patient file.

When users created a note for an unavailable block that repeated, the icon and the note was not saved for every block of the series. This has been fixed.

If you created an unavailable block that was crossing through multiple break periods, some availability was slipping through to the online booking. The issue has been fixed for those rare instances.
Instead of listing the product by creation date, products now will be listed in alphabetical order, making it easier to find and review.

The cancel reason AWAY has been updated with a better translation in the French User Interface of OpusTime. Thanks to our French users for pointing out the error.

Invoices can be printed no matter in which country the patient has a permanent address.
When you create an unavailable block and add a note to it, a new icon indicates that a note exists.

1. To add a note, simply enter your note in the unavailable block creation window.

2. A new information bubble will display the note and the name of the person who wrote when you hover over the block.

A new button has been added to the product section. Pressing this button will open a print friendly version of your inventory.

A print-friendly version of the invoice has been added that opens much faster than the previous PDF version.

A smart booking feature has been added, which allows you to book an appointment from any screen.

1. As soon as you click this button, you immediately start searching for a patient/client name.

2. The date selector clearly displays your opening hours for the professional you are trying to book for.

3. All available time slots are only a simple click away. Those time slots will optimize your schedule and will not leave no unnecessary gaps

Many of you have recommended the following features to improve the account statement. Thank you for being part of our growing community of users.

- You can now filter by professional

2. When you filter by professional, the signature is included.

3. If you have multiple locations, you can also select the business location to be displayed on the header.

4. The option to display the date of birth of the patient has been added.

Payment charges will be deducted following the payment number order. Example: Payment 225386 will be debited before payment 225387.

- All future appointments of a patient/client are now shown in the appointment summary page, so managing them becomes much easier.

2. Click any appointment on the list to open it and manage it.
The date format adapts dynamically depending on the country defined in configuration settings.
The appointment time format now uses 12 hour time (a.m. and p.m.) instead of 24 hour time, preventing possible confusions.
- The appointment communications settings have been separated into their own sections (appointment confirmation, reminders, cancellations etc…). It is easier to find what you are looking for and to personalize the sms and email contents.

2. You can also add 4 new types of communications by clicking on the ADD COMMUNICATIONS button. We have added birthdays, missed appointments and 2 collection letters.

3. Select what types of communications you want OpusTIme to send and then click save.

4. Once you save your choice, those communications appear on the appointment communications settings list.

5. Click on the communications of your choice to personalize the content of the messages.

6. Birthday messages are sent based on the date of birth of your clients/patients

7. Cancelled appointments SMS and or emails are sent when you set the appointment status to absent.

We have completely overhauled the appointment book, invoice management, and note-taking. These user scenarios have been optimized from the ground up to greatly accelerate the service
Forms with multiple sections are now presented in a more tablet and phone friendly way. Each section is now collapsible. Click or tap on a section to reveal its content!
When you use the ‘copy previous notes’ feature, every section will be opened.

The appointment status icons of the dashboard have been updated. They are now the same as the calendar appointment icons to improve the user experience.

A new report entitled “Collections Report” has been added to the system.

1. This report displays the list of products and/or services paid on a selected day and includes items billed in the past to which a subsequent payment has applied.

2. The report can be filtered according to any combination of business locations, professionals, products or services.

Canceled and Rescheduled appointment message texts can now be personalized from the appointment confirmation settings.

You can now customize the email and SMS text that the system sends to patients when canceling or editing appointments.

To make your daily work easier, all reports that display a list of Clients / Patients now open the file in a new tab.
The names now contain a link that opens the folder without you having to leave the report page to do your work.

It will be more fluid for you to do your follow-ups and other tasks to return to your report without losing your reports filter configuration.
You can now filter your watch list by branch and professionals. Thus, you will be able to carry out your follow-ups as you see fit and separate them according to the branch where you are, and the professionals for whom you wish to carry out the follow-ups.

The different elements of the address of a client / patient are now separated by column on the displayed, printed and above all exported report.

For example, the street, province, and postal code are now separated to facilitate the merge and mailing of your birthday reports.

We have renamed the various revenue reports to be better aligned with accounting terminology.

Previously, the accounts receivable report had to be filtered to exclude paid invoices. That has been improved so that you can directly have access to outstanding invoices.

We have revised the way we print an invoice to reduce the number of clicks and speed up the result.
The print dialogue box will open automatically after 5 seconds.
When patients cancel their appointment from the reminder emails and SMS, the cancellation reason has been aligned with the user’s interface. This means that patients will choose the same terminology that you and your staff select when cancelling an appointment.
We have tested all text macros from the reminder and confirmations settings to make sure that all communications sent by the system are accurate.

If you add a new client/ patient to OpusTime, the system will let you know if a duplicate of that patient already exists.

Some date merge fields rarely used by users, do not transcribe the date correctly when used in letter templates, SMS templates, and automatic confirmations and reminders.
Thus the messages using these merge fields were wrong. This problem has been fixed and a complete revision of the merge fields has been performed to ensure that the problem does not reoccur.
In some cases, patients whose communications preference was set to ‘NONE’ still received reminders. This problem is fixed.

When editing a tracking, the modified date was saved a day later, if the user was in a different time zone than the servers. The problem is now fixed.
The Follow-Up Type settings page displayed an update button even if the user did not choose to edit a Follow-Up Type. Thus by opening the follow-up configuration page, the save and cancel button was visible unnecessarily.
You can happily add delete and modify products on an invoice without causing the system to get stuck in a loop.
It is now possible to remove the undo button from confirmation messages and reminders.

Following your suggestions, we added a new report which breaks down sales during a specific period. The default setting for the report is set for today’s date.
1. The new report can be found in the report section under revenue.

2. The report totals are shown onscreen and on the exported and printed versions. You can see a list of sold products and services for the time period, as well as the total invoice amount and tax amount. The default view of the report is set to today’s date.

3. The report can be filtered by location, products and services and by professionals.

This new report will list a list of outstanding invoices for a selected date period.
1. The new report can be found also in the revenue section

2. The report will list all invoices with an outstanding balance for the selected period. The default view of the report is set to today’s date

3. The report can be filtered by location, products and services and by professionals.

Added. A new button has been added to the invoice summary page.
You can now return directly to the calendar immediately after invoicing and recording a payment.

Some patient names contain special characters. Ex: Eve D’amour. You can now search for those special names by entering the special character in the query.

The Patient Upcoming Birthday report has been updated to sort the list of birthdays in date order.

We have improved the way the birthday report displays the addresses when exported to a spreadsheet format. Because the address is now separated in its various elements, it is now easier to create a mail merge.

We have added a minor correction to some of the invoice terminology to make them more adequately translated. This change affects both the invoice summary page and the printed version of the invoice. Mainly, the term Item, erroneously translated ‘Ordre du jour’ The terminology has been replaced adequately by ‘Item’

When you change the ‘from’ email address in your account settings, Opustime will immediately send communications via email using that address as a return address. The feature was not working correctly and has been repaired.

A new button has been added to help you return to the appointment book directly after saving your notes.

You can now cancellation notifications to professionals when one of their appointment is canceled. The option has been added to the drop menu in the user preferences.

We added a system warning message that appears if you try to leave the notes and have not saved our work.

When you create a letter from a letter template, the letter will now contain the same signature information as the invoice.

A new filter lets you choose a date range and select the patients who had their last completed visit within the date range. You can therefore send in a few clic a personalized SMS message to all patients who had their last visit within a date range.

When you add an invoice into the system, if the invoice is in the future or the past, an error message will let you know to prevent accounting errors from occurring.

The payment page terminology has been revised in its French translation. The term outstanding balance has been translated more appropriately in French.

If you add spaces and line breaks (press shift+ enter) to any paragraph fields, the formatting will be kept in the saved result. Your saved notes will now display notes as they were taken.

A new setting (documents and data/ print settings) can let you decide to hide unanswered questions and sections from your notes. WHen you use a complex notes template and you skip a question, that question will be skipped from your notes when the checkbox is checked.

A modification of how your SMS credits were spent when you sent an SMS message had been changed in your favor. However, the correction was removing special characters from your sms messages. The issue has been resolved.
The text of SMS notification for rescheduled appointment has been reviewed to convey a better sense of politeness according to french speech nuances.
The translation of copy has been revised in its Spanish form.
When you were sending a letter as an email attachment, the business logo was not displayed on the header of the pdf attachment. This has been resolved.
The search for patient has been greatly improved. You can now search by first and last name by adding ‘space’ in your search string. OpusTime will only show you desired results. Adding the Symbol ‘@’ to a search string now triggers the search by email address.

We have improved the way client/ patient privacy is managed. If you select the option to keep patient notes private, no other professional will be able to see your notes. In some specific scenarios, this rule was not applied perfectly. This has been improved.
Some of our oldest accounts had duplicated locations in the user settings. That never affected recent users and was not causing any malfunctions. Nevertheless, this has been resolved.
If you sent an SMS to a patient and then tried to invoice another appointment, the payment screen had an unexpected behavior. That issue has been corrected
You can now click and manage your appointments directly from the dashboard activity feed and appointment list

When you send a pdf invoice to a customer, the location phone number has been added to the invoice. The location phone number will also appear on the printed version of the invoice.

The phone number of each location can be configured in settings/ locations

You can now navigate quickly to any specific date using the date navigation we have just added to the Dashboard. Just click the date selector, et voila!

We have updated the appointment management screen flows, based on all of your suggestions. After careful considerations, we have concluded that the most meaningful way to present the functionalities was to view the appointment summary page as the home page of all other subsequent flows. (Add follow-up, Add invoice, Add notes and book next appointment)
1. A new button was added to help you add a follow up directly from the appointment summary page.

2. When you are done saving notes and close the notes module, you will be returned to the appointment summary page. Previously, closing the notes module took you back to the appointment book.
3. When you are done invoicing a patient, closing the invoice summary will also take you back to the appointment summary page.
4. When you are done processing and appointment, simply close the appointment summary page to return to the appointment book.
Comments added to notes are now exported in the patient history pdf export as well as the printed version of individual notes.

When a schedule was configured with multiple blocks, some cases of One-Time Availability usage were causing errors during the online booking process. The issue has been corrected.
We have improved the look of the ‘Add Comment’ feature of the notes module. We have removed the mention of ‘there is no comment’ from the user interface to improve the experience.

The announcement ticker now contains a link which directs users to the changelog page. Users more easily access the full list of enhancements and improvements.

The appointment section displays an indicator for missed appointments. The French translation terminology has been corrected and the term is now adequately displayed as ‘Absent’ in French.

The french translation for ‘Appointment Status Modification’ was displayed inaccurately within the appointment log of the patient/client file. The translation has been improved.

The filters of the follow-up report in its French version was not translated accurately. The check boxes are now labelled with appropriate French terminology.

When a customer uses the online booking system, after having activated the ‘Remember Me’ feature, an error was causing the date of birth to be displayed as ‘N/A’ in the patient file. This is no longer the case.
An error was sometimes occurring when users tried to import a list of products into their OpusTime instance. The problem has been corrected.
Some accounts which contained multiple locations spawning across multiple area codes were sometimes not receiving SMS booking notifications.
The print button of the payment summary page has been fixed and now works as intended.

The invoice activity feed of the dashboard was showing invoice balance in stead of the total amount invoiced.

The online booking system was experiencing some errors related to the recently added reference number system. The issue was quickly identified and corrected.
A new ‘Burst Mode’ has been added to the booking process. You can now keep booking for the same client/ patient by selecting the burst mode icon on the appointment booking status bar at the top of the calendar.

A series icons let you quickly know if you have previously emailed or printed an invoice for a client/patient.
Additionally, a history log of the invoice has been made available for each individual invoice in the patient/ client file.

You can now add date and time stamped comments to all of your notes.

Our SMS carrier was causing our SMS reminder services as well as the manual 2 way SMS communications to be randomly unreliable. We have been working closely with them to establish fail-safe measures and automated scripts that will greatly enhance the reliability of SMS messages delivery.
Once you have configured the way you want your appointment reminders to send, we have improved the service to more accurately respecting how you have configured your settings.
The SMS sent to professionals when a patient books, cancels or rescheduled an appointment has been revised and improved to be more professional and easy to read.
A few random pages throughout the application were not fully encrypted. We have made a pass through our security and made our services even more secure than before.
Once a practitioner enters a note from the appointment page, the appointment did not display the note icon until the appointment book was manually refreshed.
The appointment book now automatically refreshes the view, once you have completed entering your notes.

The invoice summary page displayed an erroneous translation of the word “Appointment”
OpusTime subscription monthly and yearly invoices did not contain an itemization of the charges incurred by our users. Tax season has caused users to find this issue and it was corrected swiftly.
When using a template with ‘Automatically pin this note to the top of your notes’ selected, the created notes was not getting pinned to the top of the list of notes.
The password reset services were faulty in some rare occasions. We have put in place a system to prevent the password reset to fail.
Searching for any patient was not always properly displayed as per the search terms.
The online booking system’s last step contained a typo in the ‘remember me’ feature. The spelling error has been corrected.
The term Reschedule referring to an appointment was not uniformly translated throughout the OpusTime platform.
This has been addressed and fixed.
The last step of the online booking system was refusing certain characters when contained in the email adress.
Characters like ‘., _, -‘ and more were sometimes refused if used more than once inside the same email address.
Automated outgoing SMS messages no longer appeared in the activity feed. The issue was resolved.

The age of patients or clients, as displayed in the file was not calculated wrong and was off by 1 day.
File notes can now be archived.
- From the patient file Notes tab or the notes taking screen’s Note tab, click on the Archive button to the right of each note to remove a note from the notes list.

2. Click on the archive button to view the list of archived notes.

3. You can ‘Unarchive’ your notes by clicking on the ‘Active’ button to the right of an archived note.

The revenue report has been separated into 2 reports. Revenue by professionals, and revenue by location.
Improvements to the filters have been added as well as the capacity to perform a report for products sales.
The exported version and print versions have also been revamped. Your logo now appears on the printed version of the reports.
The minimum advance time required for online bookings can now be set to 5 minutes. Perfect for those walk-ins!

The online booking system now contains AM and PM identifiers to help make the booking process more intuitive for your clients and patients.

The appointment notification email contained some translation errors which were improved.
The revenue report in its French version was not to par with our standards. We have reviewed and improved the translation of all printed, exported and onscreen versions of the report.
When you send an email invitation to a colleague or friend using our referral system, the email sent by OpusTime has been improved visually.
An error in translation has been corrected which temporarily affected the French version of printed invoices.
The term Date was inappropriately translated to ‘Rendez-vous Amoureux’.
This error has been fixed as soon as it was reported.
A malfunction of our help tab was causing the knowledge base to become randomly unavailable. The issue was found and eliminated.
A new icon allows you to manually pin your notes so that it appears at the top of your notes timeline. A Pinned note will, therefore, be seen first. Pin and unpin the notes by clicking the icon on the following illustration.

In your account preferences, you can now activate a new automatic Reference number assignment feature. Checking the following box will activate the feature for all of your following new patients.
The structure of the reference number is according to the following. If a new patient is created in January of 2018, the reference number will be automatically set to 1801XXXX where XXXX is the next available number in the series.

You can also assign a number automatically to a pre-existing file using this new button in the patient file edit page.

We added a new field to the patient file that allows you to manually assign a patient to a specific professional.
This will then be used in some reports to filter patient information by professionals ex: Patient birthday report will now display the professional ‘owner’ so that you may send wishes on behalf of the specific professional. Access this field in edit mode or when you add a new patient.
In this update, using the export feature of the birthday and referral reports currently, display this information.

A number of reports have been improved base on your suggestions in order to provide more flexibility. In some cases, we added new filters options as listed in the following description.
Daily Payment report can now be filtered by professionals. The changes are also reflected in the export feature.

A number of reports have been improved base on your suggestions in order to provide more flexibility. In some cases, we added new filters options as listed in the following description.
Daily Payment report can now be filtered by professionals. The changes are also reflected in the export feature.

The minimum advance time required for online bookings can now be set to 5 minutes. Perfect for those walk-ins!

OpusTime Sends all users warning messages when the SMS credits remaining in the account reaches a set amount. These messages will be sent twice a week. Previously, they were sent daily.
When you try to share your referral link by email, the format of the email has been revised to be more professional.

When users click on any business location, the update, cancel and delete buttons are visible. A bug was causing those buttons to disappear after users tried to edit a business location and then chose the cancel option.
A bug was corrected which caused some cases of editing invoices and changing the business location of the invoice. Previously, some rare cases were redirected to the patient file and the work was not saved. This has been corrected.
When users did not enter an email in the email or invoice email to fields, the email icon was still being displayed in some cases after entering a payment. The button will no longer appear if there are no emails recorded in the patient file.
When users cancel the appointment and click on add invoice which is present on appointment summary page, the appointment field drop-down selection was blank and will now function adequately.
When users click on a print icon (future Appointment) which is present on appointment summary page In future appointment pdf, Logo is now displayed.
Creating an invoice for a non-existing patient will now display an error message. Previously, the system would go into a loop.
A few rare patient files would not display account statements correctly. This was extremely rare and no longer occurs.
When professionals login to their account there was sometimes only a dashboard icon on the menus until they clicked on that icon. That is no longer the case.
When users create an invoice and do the payment sequence. In new payment page, a 500 internal error message was displayed. This is repaired.
The logo placeholder was not displayed during the new user signup process.
There was previously no default mail subject for cancellation emails that were being sent to patients.
When users want to change the appointment type color the ok and cancel button are now aligned properly.
A user interface issue was causing texts not to be aligned properly and the drop-down arrow overlapped over the text.
When users open any patient file, pages did not open properly. Some content was not displayed.
The layout of the referral program page has been improved. Content is now aligned properly.When users did not set any professional in professional owner field and we a non-professional text was displayed in the patient file page.
In Spanish and French, Appointment type color -> pick a color. The ok and cancel button. “Ok” has been translated to French and Spanish.
When users selected any filters in revenue report and then clicked on the print button, the pdf was no generated accordingly.
The patient/ client section now indicates archived patients/ clients which now appear in grey as you visualize the list. Please note that archived patients/ clients cannot be booked from the appointment book.

When you use the sticky notes section, you can now reorder your sticky notes with a simple drag and drop. Have fun optimizing your note templates with this great new feature!
We have improved the mechanics of sending an email from a letter template. When you click the send email button, you create a letter and send it by email in one step. Before that, you needed to create a letter first then email it. Now, you can email in one swift step using your templates.
The appointment count is now displayed more adequately on the appointment graph and the appointment list of the dashboard.
We have reviewed and improved. Some level of confusion was causing patients to fail to cancel the appointment. The experience is now up to par with our vision.
Several issues with text translation across the OpusTime platform have been addressed.
The list of all the improvements is 6 pages long and we wanted to spare your time and simply let you know that a considerable effort has been spent on the multiple languages of the OpusTime platform. Please continue to let us know about those language issues as well so that we continue to improve our services.