We have just released a symphony of enhancements that should improve your experience with OpusTime. Thank you for all of your multiple suggestions and comments, they are music to our ears. Please take a moment to review this. We hope you enjoy this release and we look forward to hearing from you.
- Invoice Duplicate Management
Once an invoice has been printed or emailed once, an new dialog box will offer you a choice to print or send a duplicate invoice. The mention DUPLICATE will be added to the invoice in all languages of OpusTime.

2. Important File Notes
When you create a note template, A new check box allows you to make sure that using this template will create a note that stays on top of your previous notes. This is useful to keep an eye on important information, diagnosis, etc. ONce you check this box and use the template, the note created will always be at the top of your list of previous notes.

3. Revenue report by professional.
An issue with the revenue report was inserting occasional income data when a payment was applied to multiple professionals. This has been resolved.
4. Search by phone number has been added to the patient section.
5. When a phone number is not set as a mobile number, the send SMS button will no longer be displayed.
6. Invoice email content is now accurately mentioning the location from which the invoice is sent.
7. Invoices paid with multiple payment types are now reflected accurately in the reports. When recording a payment using multiple payment types, the revenue report was not calculating totals accurately. This has been resolved.
8. Verify LOW SMS warning emails. You will now receive warning emails when your SMS credits are running low.
9. The exported of revenue report contains more information and has been made more ‘spreadsheet ready’
10. Patient history report is opening as expected.
A bug that was causing the patient history not to work as expected was fixed.
11. Security roles have been renamed adequately. We have revised the terminology for security roles to make them more intuitive.
12. Send mass SMS to patients without a future appointment works more adequately.
13. Notes templates now retain the state. We have improved the way notes templates are loading. You can now browse file attachments and previous notes without losing your work in a note template.
14. Saving a new note from a template will now redirect you to your previous notes so that you can revise your work. Previously, saving a note was simply closing the notes module.
15. The calendar panel of the appointment book no longer skips a month.
16. Patient File note template settings have been improved to create accurate results when they are in use.
17. When a contact with no last name is set as the referral source in the patient file, the word null no longer displays (ex Paul null)
18. Referral report and daily payment report pdf data now print more adequately.
19. Send Mass SMS module filters have been improved in speed and accuracy.
Our lean testing team is relentlessly working to find issues and improve your experience. Here is a list of enhancements in this release.
1. Invoices created only with a product are now linked adequately to the payment. An issue in the case of a product only sale was discovered and fixed to more accurately display the payment.
2. Account statement creator has been revised so that it is easier to understand.
3. When users hover over a few settings buttons, the hand icon was not appearing on some buttons.
4. When a user adds payment and select business field drop down should not showing blank field. It is now impossible to save an invoice unrelated to a business location.
5. The navigation icons of the online booking module have been revised to improve clarity.
6. When 2 professionals create 2 invoices using different business for a single patient and record a single payment for both invoices, it is accounted for adequately in the report module.