The Closest thing to Paper

From iWax to Digital Image Notes

The best of both worlds, now in your favorite appointment scheduling app.

Tablets and Smartphones have become the favorite computing devices for both private and business uses. With their advanced graphics capabilities, simple user interface and abundance of applications for drawing or taking notes, we are getting closer to being able to use a tablet as a paper replacement. But is it necessary to replace paper, after all? When much of the centennial generation has only known IT as a means of data collection and as the paperless trend continues to grow in the workplace, it is convenient to know the origins of these devices to appreciate how far we have come.

A brief historical tour shows us that the appearance of writing is closely linked to the supporting media. Hence, the mud tablets of Mesopotamia, being low cost and long-lasting, facilitated the transmission of culture, but at the same time demanded brevity in texts due to its limited storage capacity. These gave way to the wax tablets (iWax) common in the Greco-Roman world. Vegetable fiber as a means to capture information eventually achieved dominance in the form of papyrus or paper scrolls vs other materials like leather or parchment. Despite being more delicate paper was cheaper to produce and also lighter, becoming the preferred medium for centuries. Even today there is a rebirth of calligraphy as an art form, along with the availability of special and personalized papers, and many people still prefer to take paper notes even if they use computers or Smartphones for other tasks.

Each profession developed standards for taking notes on paper, with specific symbols and nomenclature to achieve the highest possible accuracy in a short time. In addition, each professional has a personal style and way of registering work. For example, a doctor makes notes on an x-ray and a stylist takes pictures of clients´ haircuts, so it is difficult to replace the versatility of physical/printed media. That is why the progress of note-taking applications is so valuable, especially when they combine the best of both worlds.

The next frontier in technology for note-taking requires combining current innovations: ubiquity in access, multimedia capacity and the natural ease of handwritten notation. That is why business applications in the cloud must include image editors with the features above. A notable example that shows the way forward is Opustime the cloud-based client manager and appointment scheduler that, in addition to putting the professional’s time in the center to reduce canceled appointments, increase turnover, improve customer service and reduce administrative overhead, offers the most friendly, powerful and simple note-taking interface on the market. Opustime allows you to easily create sections and questionnaires in the notes, add images, reuse templates, erase, draw and create new images. As if that were not enough, the resulting image can be sent by email to the customer with the click of a button. For example, a chiropractor could send the patient a copy of an illustration with his treatment and exercises for the week during the appointment, which can also mean sending f.e. a personalized diet, a photo of a tattoo or a hairstyle during or right at the end of an appointment. The only limit is your imagination.

Manage your business from anywhere and free up time for what really matters with OpusTime. Sign up for a 30-day free trial and experience symphony at work!

OpusTime Update – Your Referral Program And Other Goodies

Announcing OpusTime Referral Program. As of today, you can now keep track of friends and colleagues that you refer and gain rewards!

For each subscribed referral, you will receive 500 free SMS credits. That is a value of 50$ as a token of our gratitude.

You will find your special URL and referral code in your settings/subscription page.

Your friends and colleagues can use this special URL to sign-up to OpusTime or use your referral code on the sign-up page.

You can keep track of them in your settings.

Other improvements and bug fixes

We are also happy to let you know that a variety of reported issues have been fixed. Particularly with regards to reminders and notifications which now perform much better, thanks to your feedback.

The Zero Overhead Practice – 7 free tips for a new business paradigm

When I first graduated, we had learned in school that 50% overhead was the norm. In my first decade of practice, I found that I got comfortable with this reality. The problem was not so much the cost of running my clinic, but the lack of efficiency that seems to bundle along with those expenses.

And then there was this thing called the internet. And everything changed. Flash forward to today and you will find that many old timers like me are still living in that high overhead box.

The problem is that conventional marketing has stopped working and new client acquisition is becoming an elusive art.

Social media is a huge part of marketing ourselves but it’s complicated counterintuitive and often out of reach for the older generations.

All of this adds up to a steady decline in our bottom line.

Think outside the box

Now more than ever,  I contend that the best way for your business to soar is also the cheapest. Word of mouth is exactly where your focus should be. Making it easy for patients to refer and building your online reputation is easy when you have the right tools.

The kicker is, you can make that go viral with the proper tools.

Social media is a huge part of marketing ourselves but it’s complicated counter-intuitive and often out of reach for the older generations.

Customer relation management is another vital part of today’s success parameters.

The best way to increase your business is to embed your referral marketing program within the communications you normally have with a client. This way, you never miss an opportunity to get a referral or increase your reputation and ranking online.

1. Mailchimp integration and marketing automation

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You can easily configure your mailchimp free account to sync with OpusTime’s Online booking system.

Once you have done that, it is a matter of composing an automated email that will be sent each time a new client schedules an appointment with your business. All of this sounds harder than it is and is probably the number one way to keep your audience and grow it.

2. Don’t miss an opportunity to share your Online Booking Site

Let’s face it, people are using facebook all day long. So I always make sure that every automated communication via email or SMS also contains my Book Now button. Every chance I get. I try to teach them to use my online services because they are never more than a few clicks away from their facebook friends.

3. If you instruct them to share, they will most likely do it.

Even though social media is very popular, most people do not have the reflex of promoting other businesses. If you tell them what you expect, then they most likely will be in a position to comply and even develop a habit of using social media to refer you to their friends. SO make sure you always include an easy way to share on your message templates communications and even on invoices.

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4. Add your google maps listing and facebook page to the communications templates.


Every time someone tells me they are feeling better thanks to the care they received in my office, I always sent them a quick SMS template with an easy access to the review feature. I find that people are often way more generous in writing than they are verbally. Hardly any other professionals collect reviews. If you manage to have a few dozens, you will automatically attract traffic to your services. That is the cheapest available way to get free referrals!

5. Follow Up or Schedule.

Usually, when clients check out, I either book their next appointment or schedule a followup for when I think they should come back in. I let them know I will and on that particular day, they receive an SMS with a Booking Link. I can do all my followups in less than a minute per day, and it is the best way I know to keep my business soaring.

6. Be grateful and show it!

Never miss an opportunity to send a thank you message to referring contacts or clients. You can use template and mass SMS to do so in a few seconds per day.

These messages are always well received and people feel appreciated when you say thank you. Make sure you include a link to your social media profile to provide them with yet another opportunity to refer.

7. Birthday wishes are always a good way to keep in touch.

Make sure you never miss a birthday and always send warm wishes to your clients on their birthday. You would be surprised to see them refer a friend on that same day or even schedule their own family member.

All of these are just simple and easy ways to control the faith of your business and keep the bottom line where you like it. Take advantage of the new paradigm shifts that are happening and make sure your business soars!

How To Choose An Optimal Client Management Software

As your business grows, staying on the top of projects becomes quite challenging. Besides, the tasks start growing and become complex, your staff grows and diversifies, and you get multiple projects in your bucket. But, this also makes it tough for you to make your hard-won clients experience professional engagement. When tasks in hand grow, it becomes difficult to deal with clients confidently as all the employees need to have a clear idea about what’s your business up to, so that they can answer client queries and satisfy them.

What to do? Well, just get an optimal client management software like OpusTime. It lets you share everything, set tasks and manage time efficiently. Baffled about how to choose the right client management software amid the huge numbers of software flooding the market? Don’t be. We are here with some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Virtual Client Handling: Choose a client management software that relieves you from all kinds of  client handling tasks. OpusTime is an ultra modern client management software you can rely on for virtual client management. When you have such a software with you, you can give more time to your core tasks, making your business more productive, and can also give your customers best service experience.
  • Seamless Appointments: Choose a software that makes booking appointments super easy for your prospect customers. It should be an appointment scheduler that lets your customers book appointments with immense ease. It must possess an amazing interface, packed with flexible calendars among other facilities so that you don’t need to remember appointments.
  • No More Billing Woes: The client management software that you choose for your business must take away all your responsibilities, and should manage everything from invoice management to payment records. It should track expenses instantly with utmost clarity, just like OpusTime.
  • Secured Docs: Safety of client documents is of utmost importance. To make sure your clients’ docs, file notes and all other information that you take from them is safe, pick a software like OpusTime which prioritizes the safety of client documents.
  • Optimal Communication: Communication is the oxygen that every business requires to stay alive in the market. Thus, pick a client management software that offers automated and barrier-free communication.

Your search for a client management software must end at a software like OpusTime, which offers you all the above mentioned features to robust your business growth.

Make Your Life Rich With A Client Management Software

Who doesn’t want a rich life? Of course, everybody does. A rich life isn’t all about having lots of money, especially in the world we presently live in. Peace of mind and time to relax are also important factors that give you a rich life.

Many business owners are quite rich in terms of money, but their life is so packed with stress and tension that money isn’t bringing them much of happiness. If you are one of those people out there who are highly stressed out because of client related tasks at work, you must purchase a client management software now. It will take care of all your woes at work so that you can devote time to your passion, make money and still get enough of time to relax.

A client management software will prove something that you have always desired. An optimal client management software like OpusTime boasts so many features, which can bring peace into your staff’s and your life.

Starting from client booking, scheduling appointments to invoicing and making payments, OpusTime can take care of everything all at once. Besides, you can perform all such tasks from a single window. The scheduling software’s awesome accessibility makes it irresistible.

Technology has become so advanced these days that now you can perform a lot of tasks in a matter of few minutes or say in few clicks. So, why lack behind when you can lead with a top notch client management software like OpusTime.

Time is money and peace, so without wasting them anymore, switch to OpusTime and stay committed to your clients. Sign up for 30 days free trial of this superb scheduling software now.

Give Wings To Your Business With OpusTime

It feels good to be a business owner, but simultaneously it is a headache if we talk about the fulfillment of client management needs. Be it making payments or appointment scheduling, life becomes too busy to relax for business owners. Above all, if you run your business at multiple locations then forget about any rest at all.

But, what if you get a software, maybe an appointment scheduler or an online scheduling software, which can take away all such responsibilities from your shoulder? Isn’t that sounds amazing? Such a software wouldn’t be any less than a dream. Well, that’s something, the online scheduling software OpusTime can do. Yes, you have read it right.

OpusTime is the ultra-modern client management software, which can precisely perform all client management tasks. With this superb appointment scheduler by your side, booking appointments and scheduling them become a matter of few clicks. It amazingly sorts every thing, and offers you with quick and accurate finances, invoices, payments, billings etc. Just a few clicks, and everything is done that’s how things are under the realm of OpusTime.

Keeping client records is one of the most boring tasks, but OpusTime’s rich features set you free from all such boring tasks. In the nutshell, break up with all your stress and tensions and get into a long lasting relationship with OpusTime, the ultimate appointment scheduler.

Perks of OpusTime:

  • Client handling becomes super easy.

  • Online booking in a few clicks.

  • Secured client records and notes. Safety is assured.

  • Admirable accessibility.

  • Easy to manage wait list.

  • Client recalls isn’t troublesome anymore.

  • Manage multiple business locations with a lot of ease.

This online scheduling software covers all kinds of tasks falling under client management. So, forget about all such tiresome tasks and things, and focus on boosting your organization’s impact and calculating ROI’s.

Without wasting any more time, stay committed to your clients, while OpusTime is committed to you. Sign up for 30 days free trial of this amazing appointment scheduler now.